As a Postpartum Doula you are in a perfect position to offer nurturing touch to new Mothers and babies during your visits. Even 10 minutes of touch can beneficially impact how a mother integrates her birth experience, how grounding she feels, and how much energy she has to offer her baby. Learn simple effective techniques that support the love, well-being, healing, and relaxation that new mothers need during this potent rite of passage. No massage experience needed, and all techniques within the scope of doula practice. Depending on the student needs, the class may include any of the following:
1. Rites of Renewal: Closing the Bones, Binding the Belly, Pelvic Rooting, Mother Roasting, Yoni Steaming.
2. Positioning & touch precautions
3. Qualtiy of touch and energy transmission
4. Touch techniques to relieve tense shoulders, head, “nursing neck”
5. Breast massage tips for mothers, to enhance lactation and relieve clogged ducts
6. Teaching mothers Basic Baby Belly Massage
7. Leg, Back or sacral releases
8. Foot reflexology to support mothering
No massage experience necessary! The class is structured to meet your specific needs, and may include any of the following topics (or others as requested.)

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