Module Vl: ABDOMINAL MASSAGE DURING PREGNANCY Lesson Vl: Abdominal Massage & Stretch Marks Course Menu
Module VI Lesson V: (Video) Sobada & Manteada
Module Vl: ABDOMINAL MASSAGE DURING PREGNANCY Lesson V: Sobada & Manteada: Traditional Belly Massage NOTE!!: Special Instructions: Set the curser at 2:13 minutes and watch until 8:57. (Contact Leslie if […]
Module VI Lesson III: (Video) Belly Massage (Sidelying Position)
Module Vl: ABDOMINAL MASSAGE DURING PREGNANCY Lesson llI: Prenatal Belly Massage – Sidelying Course Menu
Module VI Lesson ll: (PDF) Cross-Cultural Practices –Belly Massage
Module Vl: ABDOMINAL MASSAGE DURING PREGNANCY Lesson ll: Cross-Cultural Practices of Pregnant Belly Massage Course Menu Download Chapter
Module VI Lesson lV: (Video) Belly Massage (Semi-Reclining)
Module Vl: ABDOMINAL MASSAGE DURING PREGNANCY Lesson lV: Prenatal Belly Massage: Semi-Reclining Course Menu
Module VI Lesson l: (PDF) Abdominal Massage During Pregnancy
Module Vl: ABDOMINAL MASSAGE DURING PREGNANCY Lesson l: Abdominal Massage During Pregnancy Download Chapter Course Menu