“Loved the gentle sacral work. Leslie is awesome. She is knowledgeable, and presents material in a easy to understand way.”
I like learning acupressure points for lactation.
“I like learning acupressure points for lactation.”
So many great techniques and info. I feel very enlightened.
“So many great techniques and info. I feel very enlightened.”
Leslie is very down to earth and helpful…
“Leslie is very down to earth and helpful. She makes it seem do-able instead of daunting.”
Leslie presents material and demonstrates techniques…
“Leslie presents material and demonstrates techniques in a way that is easy to assimilate.”
I think the positions demonstrated for helpful…
“I think the positions demonstrated for helpful touch were great! I loved the use of the rebozo for opening the hips.”
I learned so many new tools that I never would have even thought of.
“I learned so many new tools that I never would have even thought of.”
Leslie is very experienced and knowledgeable…
“Leslie is very experienced and knowledgeable. She presents the material in a way that is easy to understand.”
The instructor was so informative, grounded, and compassionate…
“The instructor was so informative, grounded, and compassionate. She really modeled how to be in birthing situations.”
I liked the hands on demonstrations and partner work…
“I liked the hands on demonstrations and partner work. The video was also quite beautiful and a lovely way to synthesize the class info.”