menuCourse ContentModule ILesson l: (PDF) Benefits of Prenatal MassageLesson ll:(Video) Benefits of Prenatal MassageModule l QuizModule IILesson l: (PDF) Physiological and Emotional Changes During PregnancyLesson ll:(PDF) Postural and Muscular AdaptationsLesson lll: (Powerpoint) Effects of Pregnancy HormonesLesson lV:(Video) Trimester AdaptationsLesson V: (Video) Pregnancy Posture AwarenessModule ll QuizModule IIILesson l: (PDF) Precautions & Contraindications For Bodywork During PregnancyLesson ll: (Powerpoint): Precautions & ContraindicationsLesson lll:(PDF) Pregnancy Loss- MiscarriageLesson lV: (Video) Birth Story-Client with PreeclampsiaLesson V: (Video) Client Health IntakeModule lll QuizLesson l: (PDF) Positioning & DrapingLesson ll: (Video) Positioning OverviewLesson lll: (Video) DrapingLesson lV: (PDF) Positioning MythsModule lV Quiz: Positioning & DrapingLesson l: (PDF) Prenatal Massage TechniquesLesson ll: (Video) Prenatal Massage Techniques (Sidelying)Lesson III: (Video) Belly Massage (Sidelying Position)Module V Quiz: TechniquesLesson l: (PDF) Abdominal Massage During PregnancyLesson ll: (PDF) Cross-Cultural Practices –Belly MassageLesson lll: (Video) Prenatal Massage Techniques (Semi-Reclining)Lesson lV: (Video) Belly Massage (Semi-Reclining)Lesson V: (Video) Sobada & ManteadaLesson Vl: (PP) Pregnancy Stretch Marks & MassageModule Vl Quiz